
Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Wednesday Product Share - Textured Impressions Embossing Folders

There is nothing more satisfying to me lately than pulling out a tool that I haven't played with in a while, and using it in a whole new way.  I've been working on cleaning out my craft bins and sorting out my craft area so it's not inconceivable that I'd be turning up things that I haven't played with in a while as well as playing with old favorites now that I'm finding everything a new place to live.

I made a few cards the other day with eyelets that I hadn't played with in a bit, and I used up some card stock and paper scraps by punching shapes and die cuts out of them and set them aside to use another day. 

In my last order I'd bought the Small Die Box to put away all of my small Sizzlet dies away at long last.  It was truly driving me crazy to be fishing these out of my bins by the hand full and sifting through to find what I wanted.  Initially I was going to use a tote bin, and just buy the small insert (#1200802) $5.95 but then I decided that the small die box (#122219) for $18.95 was a far better choice.  

I have to be perfectly honest, I was skeptical when I saw the boxes.  I couldn't figure out why anybody would want to pay that kind of money for a cardboard box with a plastic insert. Surely it would be flimsy and cheap and would be broken in an afternoon.  BOY was *I* wrong!  Then again, I really should have known better..  The box is actually quite sturdy, as is the plastic insert.  I couldn't wait to get my dies into the box.  

 So that got me thinking about my Textured Impressions Embossing Folders.  They really have been my favorite Big Shot toy lately.  I had all but two folders from the last catalog (thankfully they carried over!), and I hadn't gotten any new ones forward.  So that's what I did for my last order - I now have all of the textured embossing folders that we currently offer including the new Designer Frames (#123130) 10.95, Houndstooth (#123134) 9.95, and Stripes (#123128) featured in our new catalog. 

I can't show it to you yet, but there's also a new Snowy folder being released in the new Holiday Mini Catalog.  I'll be ordering that one tonight so it'll be among the goodies that you'll be able to play-test when you come to play in my Craft Room. 

You can view all of our Textured Impressions Embossing Folders on 218 and 219 of the current catalog, with the exception of the ones in the season mini catalogs.  You can always see and shop for any of our products through my website.  www.iscrapnstamp.stampinup.net and ship direct to you anywhere in Canada with no extra charge.  

Our new mini goes live tomorrow - do I have your name on my list to receive a copy?  Call me or email me to make sure..   

Are you thinking of adding a Big Shot to your Christmas wish list?  Would you like a chance to try before you buy?  I will be starting a new Big Shot Club in the Fall as well - Please let me know if you might be interested in joining us.. 

Are you in need of a play date? I'm happy to oblige!  Call me to set up a time! 

Monday, 29 August 2011

Time is running out on our B3G1 Promotion!! Get Yours before it's too late!!

I know.. I"ve been filling up your blog watch box this morning .. but there's so much to share with you!!   

Time is running out on our Buy 3 get one free promotion featuring our Designer series paper.  

Don't miss your chance to stock up on your favorites.  

This sale ends on August 31st ~ Be Glad, not sad.. Order yours today! 

You can order through my demonstrator website 24/7 by visiting www.iscrapnstamp.stampinup.net or call/email me for more personal service.  

It's Beginning to look a lot like MONDAY! ;)

YOU asked, and I listened.. 

The Fall line-up for classes and events has a variety of additions falling into different skill levels and price points. See a class that you'd like to see running on a different day?  Let me know! If there is enough interest I am happy to start another class on an different day. 

Just a few of the upcoming offerings - Beat the Monday Blah's with Monday morning Coffee and a Card. Get the kids on the school bus, and hubby off to work, then join me for an informal get together.  For just $5 you will ward off the dust bunnies and escape for just a little while, as you sip coffee (tea or hot chocolate), sample treats and of course create a card.  This class will run every Monday at 9:30 AM beginning September 12th.  Let me help you start your week off with a smile. :)  Please let me know if you're planning to attend so that I can have enough supplies ready for everyone. 

The Stamp of the Month Club was posted last night, so I won't post it again here. I will also be adding a couple of variations to the SIM Club.

Mommy & Me Classes Resume on September 7th.  Cost is $15 for Mom and child.  Bring a 2nd child for just $10.  We will make a variety of child friendly theme related cards, keepsakes and 3D Items.  

Scrapper's Club meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM. For a monthly commitment of $35 for 6 months, you will slowly build your stash of cards, and product over the 6 month period.  During one of those months YOU get to the be the hostess and receive a minimum of $35 in products absolutely FREE.  

Guests are welcome to join us at these events but are asked to spend the same $35 purchase as club members for any club night that they attend. They will in turn get the same class for free.  I could charge a flat fee for your attendance, but honestly the product purchase is a better deal for you, and also helps raise the hostess benefits for the hostess of the month.  It is of personal interest to you as hostess to try and bring a friend or two (or collect outside orders) on the month that it is your turn to be hostess.  To give you an idea ~ when your order reaches $525, you will qualify for 90 in free product AND have the option of purchasing any one item in the catalog for 50% off!!  That's AWESOME!!   

If you'd like to join our group, let me know and I'll put you on my list for the first available vacancy. The next Scrapper's Club is September 6th. 

Stamper's Club "Midnight Crop Edition" meets the 2nd Friday of every month from 6pm - 12am.  As with the Scrapper's Club, your $35 a month purchase for 6 months helps you build your stash a little at a time and during one of those months you receive the hostess benefits.  Guests are welcome at this event (Please call ahead) for the same $35 purchase.  With this particular club you also have the benefit of a 6 hour crop to work on your projects.  All the "club" details work the very same as the Scrapper's Club only the projects for this club are more card based than scrapbook based.  

The next Stamper's Club meets on Friday, September 9th. 

Plans are well underway for what I hope will be the 1st Annual Cardinal Community Craft and Vendor Fair to be held October 1st, 2011 here in Cardinal.   The Cardinal United Church has graciously donated the hall space, and all proceeds from vendor tables and raffle prizes will be donated to the Food for All food bank.  

I will be preparing a flyer to hand out to visitors that day with a list of participants and donors.  Others in the community are welcome to join us in support of the food bank by donating an item or gift certificate for their business.  If you have a non perishable food donation you'd like to pass along, you can e-mail me also and I'll arrange to pick it up.. 

Thanks in advance for helping us support a valuable resource that supports our community. 

That's all for now, more updates soon :) 

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Holiday Mini Launch Party! You're Invited!

Can you believe that the 1st of September is already creeping up on us?  I don't know where August went!!  I keep hoping that we'll move something in the Scrap bin and find the few weeks that we've misplaced but I have a feeling that isn't going to happen much as we might want it to.. 

The first week or so of September are a little crazy for us, so I'm putting off my own Holiday Mini Launch party until the 16th of September - Put the date on your calendar now quick! before something else comes along to fill up that little square box. To be honest, in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of the last couple of weeks, my brain isn't quite into the holidays yet.  I'll get there, don't worry!

Come out to view a sampling of the new Holiday mini offerings, pick up your copy of the mini, make a few projects and meet some new crafty friends.  Check out my new additions to my inspiration station! 

My September newsletter will be available for pick up and will include a listing of my fall classes and events.  

I have already started picking out door prizes and draw items, and plotting..  

There will be more details to follow and over the next few weeks, there will be a few teasers here and there..  Stay tuned! :) 

2011 Holiday Mini Launch

Cost $10, or FREE with a $20 Purchase.  

Pre-register and receive extra draw tickets. 
Bring a friend and receive an extra draw ticket! 

E-mail iscrapnstamp@gmail.com for more info or to book your spot.

Introducing Stamps in the Mail (SIM) starting September 1st..

If you've known me for any time at all, it is no secret that I love butterflies, and fairies.. SO it's not a big surprise that with the launch of this new Club, that I have chosen "Butterfly Prints" to be the very first offering..  

Join my new "Stamp in the Mail" Club (SIM) and receive a different stamp set delivered straight to your mailbox each month as well as 3 hand stamped projects using this set, to inspire your own creations. Cost for this class is just $30 

Add the coordinating punch to your order and receive 3 additional cards. 

Please note that orders for this club need to be placed through me directly, and not through my website.  Local pick-up option is also available.  All Stamp Sets are provided in Wood Mount unless otherwise requested.. 

Club available only to Canadian addresses. (Sorry!) 

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Journal Jar ~ A quote snack if you will..

Ever since I was a young teen and had my very first journal, I have always collected quotes.  Sometimes doodled in the margins of the page, and others written right into the entry itself.  

Song lyrics also made their way into my books as well, as I have always ALWAYS been a music nut.  I grew up listening to music that encompassed everything from 50's and 60's music, some easy listening, BAGPIPES!, all of which that became affectionately termed as "Dad music" between my sister and I.  
When I got a little older and started acquiring a music style of my own, I would make mixed tapes.  I discovered that if I made a mixed tape of music for Dad, that I could often slip in a song or two that my sister and I liked in between his songs.  I was sure that I was SO CLEVER..  if he noticed, he never said anything ..  well not for quite a while anyhow..  someone commented that they didn't know that Dad listened to the band that was playing at the time and Dad explained that his kids had made the tape.  

It's one of my fondest memories of life at home and camping with Dad.  Dad had some favorite cassettes that used to get played over and over, and I spent a lot of time setting tapes up so that when Dad put them in, that one song or another would play.  

A couple of those songs were David Lee Roth's "I ain't got nobody", and Showdown "The Rodeo Song"...  yes, my dad is quite the character..  :)   Years later I made him a mixed CD with all of those one song only cassettes that used to drive us crazy so that he could just hit play and have at 'er..   ;)

In any case, I thought that I'd try sharing some quotes here that might inspire you to journal on your pages.  Sometimes it'll be a song lyric, and other times a quote or maybe even a poem.  I will try to do these every Wednesday so that you can look for them.  

Feel free to leave me a comment with one of your favorite song lyrics, or quotes. It's always nice to know that others are reading.. :)

So here we go...   Enjoy  :) 

"When it seems impossible, when it seems like nothing is going to work, you're usually only a few millimeters away from making it happen." - Tony Robbins

"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." - Ben Franklin

"The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.  - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

You know it's Monday When... LOL

Okay.. I'm laughing at myself now..   I wanted to get the posts up the other night before I headed to bed, and for some reason I posted "Wednesday" inspiration, when it really should have been Tuesday.  I don't know if you all missed that OOPS - or if you were just being kind and recognizing a blonde Monday move on my part..  ;)

I hope you are all having a wonderfully crafty week..   Have you gotten to create anything this week?

For some reason the other two pictures I was trying to post are trying to post on their sides. I'll have to play with that... 

In the meantime, here are a couple more projects that were shared with us on the sharing tables at our Stampin' Girls mini convention.  
I just love the chance to get inspiration and ideas from other demonstrators , not that I don't have my own ideas but we're all a little different and i'm ever amazed at how we all use the same supplies to make our projects and how  many different things can be done with the same old "stuff".. 
Hope that you're having a great Wedneday.. 
I'm working on my September newsletter and specials this week. There are lots of vendor fairs and craft shows coming up.  It's shaping up to be a busy fall.. 
Would you like to book a workshop for you and your friends?  
Book your workshop with me, and in addition to the regular hostess benefits that Stampin' Up! offers you, I will also let you choose a stamp set of gift from my basket absolutely FREE as my thank you to you for introducing me to your friends.  Ask me for more info.. iscrapnstamp@gmail.com 

Until Next Time..  

~ Tammy 



Monday, 22 August 2011

Wednesday's Inspiration Spot..

Well I know it's not quite Wednesday yet, but I just didn't feel right leaving you all hanging without sharing some of the wonderful samples that were shared with us this weekend.  

I am proud to be a member of such a creatively talented team!!

Here are but a sampling of some of the Sample boards and offerings shared this weekend.  I hope that you enjoy them as much as I did!  

I'll post some more tomorrow for you :) 

Do any of these colors or projects inspire you? Would you like to spend some time playing with inks and paper?  

Check out my calendar of events to join us for one of my upcoming classes or workshops; or contact me to book your own workshop for you and your friends. 

Until next time..  :) 

Stampin' Girls Convention - Promised Pics!

 Well I can't believe the weekend came and went already.  My first ever Stampin' Up! convention of any kind and all I can say is WOW!  Such a thrill to get to meet Ronda Wade in person after talking to her online for so long.  

For those of you who might not know who Ronda is - Ronda is quite well known in Stampin' Up! circles among demonstrators for business training.  Hopefully I didn't come off too much like a "fan" in my excitement. 

I had really hoped to get a photo with her before she left, but I didn't realize that she was going to have to leave before the event was over.  Ah well..  you can't win 'em all, right?

Ronda was the guest speaker Friday night at the Awards and recognition and also part of the Business panel on Saturday afternoon, as well as giving us all some much appreciated inspiration and food for thought.  
I am a firm believer in the catchy nature of enthusiasm.. and there was plenty to go around..  

It was so darned not there Friday night though that several of us brought fans for Saturday and it was still exceedingly warm.  So you'll have to wait to see my make and takes because I didn't want to assemble them with sweaty hands.  
I *did* however, take lots of pictures of the demo booths and samples so I'll share a sampling of those over the remainder of this week..  

This last picture is my friend and fellow demonstrator Michelle, pictured here with our upline Josee who flew in from Winnipeg to host this event for us.  Michelle was one of several demonstrators in our team being recognized for their achievements this year.  Yay Michelle!  :)

On Other notes.. There is still time to get in on my Workshop for this coming Wednesday night also - if you're going to be in the Cardinal area and would like to join us, please let me know! 

I'll have some more samples posted for you tomorrow, and you can expect to see my calendar updates either tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday morning.  My Club orders are due this week also - so it will be a very busy week. 

More updates tomorrow :)

Until next time..  Don't just think it, INK it!  

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Card Share - Summer Mini Samples

This card was made primarily using one of my favorite colors in our palette - Rich Razzleberry.  Featuring the new pennant punch, and our paper daisies this card came together rather quickly.

The DSP, the Ink, and the sponge daubing all use this color.  I also chose a complimentary color from the same family for part of the flower but most of the card alternates between whisper white and Rich Razzleberry for a quick and easy card. It's a little hard to see in this photo but there's a single large pearl in the centre of the flower as well.

Would you like to get together and make a few cards to add to YOUR stash?  Contact me to book a workshop, class or to join one of my clubs.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Card Share - Same Card - Two Looks

 Even a demonstrator doesn't get exactly the card they want on the first try!

I wanted to play with my build a blossom stamp set and coordinating punch and decided to dig out my brand new in colors to test them out.

The first card was done on a plain white background and though I liked it well enough, it needed something.  It took me a bit to figure out just what the something was but I finally decided to change up the colors a little and mount my flower on some Pool Party card stock which complements the flower's

The 2nd card is one of the cards that I've included in a swap that I recently hosted.

I just love the simple elegance of these two cards.  I like the way you can make the same card and just change up the colors a little to have two cards that are the same but just a tad different.

I stamped the card with Congratulations, but you could stamp it with Thank you, Thinking of you..   just about anything really.  

Would you like to make cards like these?  Drop me a line and we'll choose a date to get together.  To order supplies for this or any other project you might be working on, please visit my demonstrator website. www.iscrapnstamp.stampinup.net.  You can shop 24/7 - we never close!   Let me know if I can be of any assistance. 

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Buy 3 - Get one FREE! Designer Series Paper!

To purchase supplies to make these cards or a project of your own please visit my website www.iscrapnstamp.stampup.net or e-mail me at iscrapnstamp@gmail.com 

August Newsletter ~ In Case you missed the e-mail..

Tammy Wilson
Visit My Site | Shop Now!
Can you believe that August is here already? Just one more 
month left of summer and before we know it the kids will be
back at school, and if happen to blink we'll be flying past 
Hallowe'en and onto Christmas.  EEK!

The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur - Crazy

busy and then I took a tumble down the stairs into a
cement floor and broke a rib.  My hubby keeps teasing that
I'm not much of a scrapbooker because nobody captured
the moment.  Remind me to have him tickled later.. LOL

August marks a number of birthdays in our family, as well

as the anniversary of the day I met my teddy bear.  Hard 
to believe that we are celebrating 15 years this year.  We
often tease that after this many years we're stuck with
each other cause not even Walmart will take a return back
this late..    It's all in fun..   I am a truly lucky woman.  :)

Stampin' Up! has a great specials on this month, with the

 B3G1 deal on Designer Series paper - what a great chance
to stock up!

I have a new Scrapbooker's Club starting tomorrow (Tuesday)

at 1 PM - we have a few spaces left - If you'd like to join us,
please let me know!

I also have a new Stamper's Club beginning on the 12th of

August  at 6pm (Midnight Crop Edition) - We have some space
here also - Would you like to join us?

All of my clubs meet once a month.  These two clubs will be

a 6 month of commitment of 35.00 each month for 6 months;
and each month I throw in a FREE Class so that you get a chance
to get your hands inky and have a little fun.  Sound interesting?
E-mail me for more info or to reserve YOUR spot!

Lots of great classes coming up on the calendar - have you

looked lately?

If you haven't already made a pledge for the Scrap-A-Thon later

this month, raising money for Cornwall Hospice and would like to do
so please let me know.  I'd love to add your pledge to my sheet.  :)

Would you like to win a hand stamped assortment of cards made by me?

 Just send me an email and tell me which of the DSP packs in the new
catalog you like best.  I'll draw a name from the entrants and get
your cards off in the mail to you this week.  (or we can arrange for
pick-up or drop-off if you live close by)

Well that's all for now..    Hope your day has some creative playtime in it!  

Project Share - August Project of the Month - A Second Helping - Enjoy!

Wedding Wishes card

  • Stamp Set Wood Easy Events
  • Card Stock Very Vanilla 8 1/2X11
  • Card Stock 8-1/2" x 11" Calypso Coral
  • Paper Watercolor
  • Stazon Pad Jet Black
  • Classic Stampin Pad Old Olive
  • Aqua Painters
  • Snail Adhesive Permanent
  • Stampin Dimensionals
  • Tombow Mono Multi Liquid Glue Adhesive
  • Sizzix Big Shot Machine
  • Mini Clothespins

1. Fold Very Vanilla Textured Card Stock in half to create card.
2. Cut lattice from Very Vanilla Card Stock using Big Shot and Lattice Bigz Die. Adhere lattice to card.
3. Stamp birds image in Jet Black StazOn ink on Watercolor Paper. Watercolour birds image using Blender Pen and Calypso Coral, Lucky Limeade, and Wisteria Wonder ink.
4. Punch out birds image using Decorative Label Punch. Adhere label to card using Stampin’ Dimensionals.
5. Stamp “Wedding wishes” sentiment in Old Olive ink on Very Vanilla Card Stock. Cut into banner shape using Paper Snips.
6. Punch flower from Calypso Coral Card Stock using flower punch in Itty Bitty Punch Pack. Bend petals slightly upward and adhere to banner. Adhere Pearl Basic Jewel to flower centre.
7. Attach Mini Clothespins to banner, then adhere Mini Clothespins to card.

To purchase supplies to make these cards or a project of your own please visit my website 24/7 www.iscrapnstamp.stampup.net or e-mail me at iscrapnstamp@gmail.com 

Project Share - August Project of the Month - Enjoy :)

Thanks pocket

  • Stamp Set Wood Hostess Tagtastic
  • Card Stock Whisper White 8 1/2X11
  • Card Stock Bashful Blue 8 1/2X11
  • Card Stock Pink Pirouette 8 1/2 X 11
  • Paper Designer Series Hostess Cheerful Treat
  • Versamark Pad
  • Glue Dots Mini
  • Sticky Strip
  • Stampin Dimensionals
  • Ribbon Taffeta Whisper White 3/8 Inch
  • Clips Assortment
  • Sizzix Big Shot Machine
  • Extra-Large 1-3/4" Scallop Circle punch
  • BIGZ XL Petite Pocket

1. Cut pocket from Melon Mambo Textured Card Stock using Big Shot and Petite Pocket Bigz XL Die.
2. Stamp thanks image in Melon Mambo ink on Melon Mambo Textured Card Stock. Assemble pocket using Sticky Strip.
3. Accordion fold Cheerful Designer Series Paper strip and adhere to pocket.
4. Stamp frame image in Jet Black StazOn ink on Bashful Blue Card Stock. Punch out frame image using Decorative Label Punch. Adhere to pocket.
5. Stamp thanks image in Melon Mambo ink on Pink Pirouette Card Stock. Punch out thanks image using 1-3/4" Scallop Circle Punch. Adhere Pink Pirouette scallop circle to pocket using Stampin’ Dimensionals.
6. Stamp thanks image in Lucky Limeade ink on Whisper White Card Stock. Cut out thanks image using Paper Snips and adhere to pocket using Stampin’ Dimensionals.
7. Wrap Whisper White 3/8" Taffeta Ribbon around wire clip to create knot. Attach clip to pocket.
8. Insert Stampin’ Write Marker in pocket.

To purchase supplies to make these cards or a project of your own please visit my website 24/7 www.iscrapnstamp.stampup.net or e-mail me at iscrapnstamp@gmail.com