With every mini catalog, we tell everyone to ensure that they get everything that they are interested in from each catalog before it expires because there is never any guarantee that the items you love will be carried over into the next Idea book and catalog.
The stocking punch coordinates with the Stitched Stocking Stamp Set, for a variety of versatile designs. There is no word whether or not this set will be carried forward at this time.
Instead they're promising us other great designs in its place and a trendy, new design planned for the next holiday season.. (( We need some cool suspense music playing here )) :)
Once the current inventory of the punch has been depleted, it will no longer be available for purchase. So if this is on your "Gotta Have it" list, you'll want to order it soon. Contact me to order yours, or order directly through my demonstrator website.
Let me know if I can be of any assistance!
Wishing you the best throughout the holidays and into the new year :)