
Thursday, 26 April 2012

New Demo Kit Options Coming May 1st!!

Along with the retiring list yesterday, demonstrators across the globe were also greeting with some exciting news!

Beginning May 1st, 2012 demonstrators will be able to offer a fully customizable starter kit for our new recruits and "I want it all" kit purchasers at a new low price of just $125!!

This new kit will offer a perfect start to your business -- your way!  You will also be able to more easily share the Stampin' Up! opportunity with your customers.  

As a new demonstrator the choice is yours to put together a kit with any of our current high-quality products -- you can choose up to $155 worth of any Stampin' Up! products!  You will also receive a business supply pack (valued at $70) to create a kit with a total value of $225 that still ships FREE!

With the new kit, there will no longer be an option for an add-on package.  

If by chance you would still like the chance to purchase our current kit option -  The current option is still available until April 30th, 2012 at 11:50 PM (Mountain Time).  This kit has a cost of $215 and a value of $415 in product.  

Stampin' Up has also updated our demonstrator websites to make it easier for you, the new demonstrator to customize your starter kit right in the system.  The entire process has been streamlined to make the entire process even simpler for for our new recruits.  Order your starter kit though my website at your leisure, or contact me and we'll place your order together. 

My Downline Team, I Want It All Kit Members and Club Members get extra member only events and team training.  I also offer a $5 discount on all my classes to my Team and Club Members.  Just one more way to thank you for giving me the opportunity to invite you to join my team.  

Let me know how I can be of help!

Retiring Products - Final List is OUT! - Canada 2012

Hey ScrapNStampers!  

Took a little longer to get onto my computer than I'd originally planned, but hopefully you logged on to my Facebook today and saw the post and links.  Seems Blogger/Blogspot underwent some changes also so my blog post didn't post with the efficiency that I'm used to. SO sorry about that!!

As you know today - April 25th is that day we've all been waiting for.   We've been talking about it and dreading it for weeks not knowing what to expect.  All we really knew was that the cuts would be deep, since our new catalog is being reduced by 80ish pages.  

So grab a coffee (or drink of your choice) before settling into this one because it's a big one...  don't say I didn't warn you!!!

Some of the items on this list are on sale for up to 70% off!  All of the items on the Accessories List are only available while supplies last, and retiring stamp sets ordered until May 31st will still be honoured. 

A few things to note:

Two items were listed in the retiring list at a discount, but they are NOT retiring.  As such the listed discounted price will not be honoured (sorry about that) ~ These are the Craft Scissors and Paper Trimmers, but listed on page 208 of the regular catalog. Sorry for any confusion or disappointment that this may cause. 

Our Craft Ink Pads will be retiring and from June 1st forward we will only carry these ink pad in black and white.  I will be double checking tomorrow to see if our blank pad will still be available to fill with craft ink refills.  I didn't have a chance to do that today.  I'll post an update and let everybody know for sure. 

Our classic ink pads are all retiring.  We will have a brand new ink pad style coming out with the new catalog. Stampin' Up! assures us that the colour families will stay the same, however there have been some improvements made to the ink pads making it a better and more firm pad that will allow for better stamp coverage.

We will no longer be carrying 12x12 textured card stock - so if this is something you love to have, you'll want to stock up now.  

12x12 packages of card stock in any given colour will no longer be available.  We will be selling them in colour families.  So you will no longer be able to purchase a full package of *just* rich razzleberry for example.  

Markers will no longer be sold individually, only in multi-color bundles.

The list is extensive and you may need to take a break part way through to rest your eyeballs and grab a second coffee. 

I will be putting several orders in over the next few weeks.  You can also order direct from my demonstrator website if you wish.  Yes! You can combine retiring products and regular (current) products on the same order.  

Wherever possible I will combine orders to save you money on shipping costs. 

As you look through the listing.  Keep in mind if there is a * next to a particular item (such as the stampin' scrub pad) this item is not being discontinued, but will return in a new format or configuration.  

Here is the PDF for the Retiring Stamp List - If you missed it, or would like another look. 

Here it is again in Black and White Format, and in a sort-able Excel Sheet.  

Here is a PDF for the Definitely Decorative Line of Products and a PDF for the Retiring Accessories and a Sort-Able Excel File for those as well.  

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in placing your order, or call me and we can place your order together.  You can of course place your order 24/7 via my Stampin' Up! website and ship anywhere in Canada with no additional charges. 

Check back tomorrow for an announcement on new changes to our demonstrator/I want it all Kit..  

Until next time.. 

The BEST days always have some CRAFTY in it!  :)

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Going Going GONE - The Retired List is ONLINE!

The retiring stamp sets list has been posted!!  Are you ready for this??

Stampin' Up! decided to share this list earlier this year than in past years to give demos a chance to inventory our stamp collections and appropriately plan projects for our end-of-the-year workshops. 

The arrival of the retiring list is always a bittersweet time -  Old favourites are on their way out,  but anticipation is high for the new catalog's arrival to see what new great sets are coming our way.  

Stampin' Up! would like us to pass on that all orders for these retiring sets will be fulfilled for orders placed before May 31st. Our new catalog begins on June 1st. 

It is also important to note that anyone who is interested in purchasing their french language sets in wood mount format, that this is also your last chance to do so.  After June 1st, French language sets will only be available in Clear Mount format. 

So without further delay, here is the retiring list in PDF format.  It is also available in a sortable excel spreadsheet if that is more convenient format for you. 

The accessories and Definitely Decorative retired lists will post on April 25 and I will share those as soon as I have them. 

Are any of your favourites on the list?  

As always, orders may be placed through my demonstrator website and shipped direct to you - anywhere in Canada - at no extra charge.  Or you can contact me directly and we can place your order together.  :Email: 

If you are local to me, I can place your order along with one of my class/workshop orders and save you some shipping as well.  Let me know what you need and we'll make it happen.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Monday Morning Coffee & A Card Class ~ Come CREATE with Me :)

I have always had somewhat of a love-hate relationship with Mondays and I'm fairly certain I am not alone there.    When I was young, Monday signalled the end of a weekend at home.  Once I was out on my own my weekend seemed to move around with the schedule so my "Monday" might have been a Tuesday or a Thursday or something depending on that particular week but still it was the same sort of dread.  

When I became a stepmom, Monday morning became a time that I cherished, and I laugh about it now..  it was a time after a frantic weekend of family commitments and running around where the kids were at school and hubby was back to work and for a moment everything was still.  It became one of the few times when I could take pause, enjoy a cup of tea and just *BE*.  

These days we're years down the road and the piling the kids on the bus days are long gone, but definitely not forgotten. The Monday Blahs were a part of the motivation for my weekly "Monday Morning Coffee & A Card" Class.  What better a way to start off the week than to let a little creativity sink in, and to create in a friendly atmosphere..  and as a good friend of mine likes to say.. and COFFEE!!  did we mention COFFEE!  LOL (for those of you who would rather Tea - I usually have an assortment of that too.. )  

I am working on some details for some swaps and challenges among my ScrapNStampers ~ I know there are quite a few of you reading my blog that are coming at us from other countries and though I'm happy to help inspire your creativity, I am unable to service your needs.  

HOWEVER - I don't see any reason why we shouldn't still be able to share what we love and enjoy each other's company and talents..   so stay tuned..  I'll be sharing some new challenges and upcoming projects over the next few days.. feel free to join in! :)

Monday Morning Coffee &  A Card ~ Every Monday Morning (excluding *some* holiday Mondays)  from 9:30 until 11:30 AM beat the Monday Morning Blahs and keep those dust bunnies at bay for just a little while as you start your week with a little splash of colour and creativity.  Supply fee $5 

Please call ahead to reserve your spot as space is limited.  

Friday, 13 April 2012

Product Feature Video: Petite Purse Die From Summer Smooches!!

When I first saw this die I think I actually squealed out loud... for anyone that knows me you know that's not entirely uncommon..   but I can assure you, I wasn't long in adding this item to my wish list!

Thought I'd send out some Friday inspiration.  Midnight Crop tonight ~ We'll be playing 6pm til Midnight and stamping away the Friday the 13th memories.. ;)

Would you like to join us?  My Midnight Crops are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 6pm until 12:00 Midnight.  Crop is FREE with your $35.00 order placed on Crop night.  

Guests are welcome, but pre-registration is required as space is limited.  Please call ahead to reserve your spot.  

Make it a CLUB!  Commit to 6 months of monthly cropping, and during one of the months YOU get the hostess perks! That's a minimum of $35 in products FREE!!   It doesn't get much better than that! 

The Petite Purse die, is one of the offerings in the current Summer Smooches promotion available until April 30th ~ after that, they will not be available until after the June 1st release of the new catalog.  Get yours now :)

To order this or any other Stampin' Up! product visit my demonstrator website at www.iscrapnstamp.stampinup.net  or contact me and we'll place your order together.  

May your day have some Crafty In it!  :)

Frugal Shopper Alert! Have you viewed our Clearance Rack Lately?

Have you looked at my Demonstrator website lately?  Stampin' Up! has updated our Clearance rack with some fabulous new AMAZING deals!! 
PLEASE NOTE: These discounted products can only be ordered through the on-line store -- they can not be added to an order you place directly through me.
Click Here to check them out! (and order)
One more thing... keep in mind that the Occasions Mini Catalogue ends at the end of this month as well, so if there are goodies from there that you want, you'll want to order them before they're gobbled up into the vault.  

Some of these favourites will undoubtedly turn up in the new catalog offerings in May, but if it's something you truly love ~ don't chance it!  I cannot guarantee any particular item will (or won't) be carried over.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Celebrating 10 Years of Stampin' Up! in Canada!

We're celebrating 10 wonderful years in Canada! It all began with a journey in 2001 when Shelli Gardner headed north to explore the possibilities of opening Stampin' Up! Canada. In 2002, open houses were held in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Toronto, and our first 94 Canadians became demonstrators. Since then Stampin' Up! Canada has been an important contributor to Stampin' Up!'s international growth and development.

In July of 2005, we became bilingual as we entered the province of Quebec-Stampin' Up!'s first non-English market. Over the past decade, we've passed many milestones as we have shared what we love with others. Along the way we've established an outstanding reputation for valuable, high-quality products, and seen many demonstrators grow and succeed in their business. But most of all, we've enjoyed our association with you. We especially want to thank you for your loyalty to Stampin' Up! these past 10 years! We are here to stay and look forward to a future of inspiring creativity with you.