
Monday, 29 July 2013

Thinking About Joining?

Have you been thinking about signing up? You can sign up for the discounted products, to buy goodies before they are available to the public, to make extra money, because you love making friends and sharing crafts with them? Whatever the reason, if you have considered joining our Stampin’ Up! family, now is the time. For only $125 you can join, pick out $155 worth of ANY product you choose AND get a FREE project kit of your choice!!

You’ll get to pick a FREE project kit in addition to your starter kit when you join Stampin’ Up! between July 15 and August 31. Check out the amazing kit options packed with brand-new products below. But before you do, here are just a few of the awesome things to love when you become a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator:
  • When you sign up you’ll get $175 us/$215 Cdn worth of products and business supplies all for just $99 us/$125 Cdn!
  • You’ll have a 20 percent permanent discount on EVERYTHING.
  • You’ll have a chance to meet tons of other creative men and women at Stampin’ Up! events and in our online communities.
  • If you want to make money, you can sell to your friends (old and new) and do it all on your terms—your schedule, your way.
  • You’ll get to be in business with a solid company—it’s our 25th anniversary this year!
PLUS, you’ll get to choose one of these kits for FREE if you sign up by the end of August:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any product questions or queries about the opportunity.  I am here to help you make the most of your hobby or business YOUR WAY! 
Thank you for choosing me to be YOUR demonstrator!  
Shop 24/7 - Anywhere in Canada - www.iscrapnstamp.stampinup.net

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Saturday Quote Snack - Enjoy ! :)

In every person who comes near you look for what is good and
strong; honor that; try to imitate it, and your faults will
drop off like dead leaves when their time comes.
- John Ruskin (1819-1900)

The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying, "Give me your poor,
your tired, your huddled masses." She's got a baseball bat
and is yelling, "You want a piece of me?"
- Robin Williams (1951-)

Time and money spent in helping men do more for themselves
is far better than mere giving.
- Henry Ford (1863-1947)

Be careful about reading health books.
You may die of a misprint.
- Samuel Langhorne Clemens [Mark Twain] (1835-1910)

I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back.
- Zsa Zsa Gabor

If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop
a hunger to accomplish your dreams.
- Les Brown (1945-)

Too many of us are like wheelbarrows --
useful only when pushed and easily upset.
Author Unknown 

Friday, 26 July 2013

Coming up MONDAY's Lineup! Won't You join us?!

I'll be down in the Craft room planning for classes and working on my swap cards Monday. Would you like to join me? 

Bring whatever you're working on - make use of my punches, dies, templates, stamps and other tools to work on your unfinished projects or start something new. 

As a special bonus, book for Monday and I'll treat you to my "Monday ~ Coffee and a Card Class"  project FREE.   (If you are just interested in the card class you may still book the class by itself for $5) 

Book:  9:30 - 1:30 or 2 - 6:00 for just $15 

Place an order of $25 or more and you Play for FREE. 

Make it an all day escape

Book both sessions and save $5 

Just $25 for all day! Place an order of $35 or more and you play FREE.

Please RSVP so I can save you a spot.

A Little Reminder:  My Team Members and Club Members save $5
 on all Classes and Crops that they attend outside of Club.  

Thank you for choosing me to be your demonstrator! 

Shop 24/7 

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Introducing *NEW* Thinlits Card Dies - Coming SOON!!

There are some products that you just have to see in action before you know just how much you need them.  This will be one of those!!  

When you see what they can do, you will just HAVE to have them for your collection!!

These new card dies come with extra die pieces that have versatile designs so that you can use them on other projects, not just your flip cards.   

The Circle Card thinlits die comes with 10 total pieces,  the Label Card comes with 9 total pieces.)

This set is one to add to your list of Gotta have - not only do the dies create the card itself, but the price is a great value- especially to create this interactive card!

These cards would make impressive "Flip" cards - perfect for announcements, invitations or Christmas Cards.  

Thinlits will be available beginning August 1st and will be available at least until the 2013-2014 catalog year so you can feel confident in your purchase because they will not be retiring any time soon. 

The main shape in the cards (circle and label) can work with many different stamp sets.  Here are just a few suggestions to get your creative spark started! 

  • Label Card Thinlits Die (item 133479):
  • Happy Day Stamp Set (item 130294 W item 130297 C)
Circle Card Thinlits Die (item 133480):
  • Worth the Wait Stamp (item 131094 W)
  • Five-Way Flower Stamp (item 131088 W)
Both card dies pair well with:
  • Oh, Hello Stamp Set (item 131931 W item 130733 C)
  • Yippee-Skippee! Stamp Set (item 131341 W item 131344 C)
  • Really Good Greetings Stamp Set (item 130330 W item 130333 C)
  • Regarding Dahlias Stamp Set (item 130324 W item 130327 C)
  • These dies also work well with our new magnetic platform (item 130658) so you can place the dies exactly where you want them!

133479Label Card Thinlits Die$40.95
133480Circle Card Thinlits Die$40.95

Thank you for choosing me to be your demonstrator! 

Tammy J. Wilson
iscrapnstamp@gmail.com  @iscrapnstamp

Saturday Quote Snack - Enjoy!

The best way to make children good is to make them happy.
- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

The world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes,
but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.
- Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968)

 Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
- Robert Frost (1874-1963)

One ought every day at least, to hear a little song, read a
good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible,
to speak a few reasonable words.
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832)

Every person is important. Every life is important. None
is more so than another. You are just as important as any
familiar face on television. And so is your neighbor.
- Ralph Marston (1907-1967)

If you look to others for fulfillment,
you will never truly be fulfilled.
- Lao Tzu (604-531 BC)

I hope our wisdom will grow with our power and teach us
that the less we use our power the greater it will be.
- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money,
more than honor, to the persons who possess it.
- Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)

Friday, 19 July 2013

Awesome Paper PUMPKINDEAL On Now!!

Thank you for choosing me to be your 
Stampin' Up! Demonstrator! 


Shop 24/7 www.iscrapnstamp.stampinup.net Ships Canada-Wide 

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Got the Magnet Platform Buzz? Gotta Get it Now!

Do you remember a few weeks back when I first told you about the great new Magnetic Platform?  This brand new toy is a MUST-HAVE if you love Framelits, Edgelits – for those of you that have been at this for a while you may be thinking Spellbinders – and this is great for all of those!

I ordered mine the very first week of the new catalog and it took a little longer to get here, since it was just so popular.  I finally got mine and I cannot wait to have you all in to take a look and play-test it – to see and feel first-hand just how much easier this new tool is going to make your crafting life.   This new tool promises to be your new BEST FRIEND!!

We just got word this week that this gem is on the endangered species list – ok, not really..   but demand has been so high for it, that Stampin’ Up!  Is finding themselves in a high demand situation.  For that reason, they will be removing it from the ordering menu tomorrow, July 18th, 2013 at 12:01 AM (MT) (that’s about 2 AM for us here in Ontario)  in order to give themselves a chance to get caught up on all the existing orders before letting it loose again. 

I wanted to make sure that you all knew about it right away – If this is something on YOUR wishlist and you simply have GOTTA have it, please call TODAY so that I can order it for you before it goes on hiatus!!  After that I will not be able to guarantee when you will be able to get it.  The platform will be on backorder right away – but those orders will all be filled – SO LONG AS WE GET THE ORDER IN BEFORE MIDNIGHT. 

Stampin' Up! NEW Magnetic Platform (130658)  $49.95

Please note that since this product produces a magnetic field, like all magnets it may interfere with pacemakers, magnetic strips on credit cards and cellular telephones if they are too close to the platform.  

Contact me to order yours today! 613-655-1010 or iscrapnstamp@gmail.com 

Monday, 15 July 2013


Beginning today, July 15th get one of 4 project kits FREE when you purchase our demonstrator kit. (Often referred to in our Craft Room as the "I Want It All Kit")  

This coveted kit costs just $125.00* and includes $155.00 in products that you get to choose yourself!  This is a fabulous option for those who already have some products and do not want to duplicate items.  This offers you complete flexibility to not only choose a traditional kit , a digital-based kit,  or a combination of the two.  Score a WIN for the Stampin' Up! Team!

Members of my team save $5 on all classes and crops that they attend in my craft room as well as team training, and other special team exclusive events and incentives.  

Contact me for more information. 

This offer is valid until August 31, 2013

* plus tax depending on your province - No Tax in BC on ON!!

Your Project Kit Options: 

The first 3 kits are from the upcoming holiday catalog, and the last option is from the annual catalog. 

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Our World Map Background Stamp Revision is Complete - Get Yours Now!

The long awaited revision to this is finally here!  Get yours now!  

The image below is shown at actual size, so if you feel so inclined you can print it out and use it to cover the incorrect image in your Annual Catalog. 

Contact me to order yours iscrapnstamp@gmail.com  or order direct via my website (no extra shipping charge anywhere in Canada!!)

Monday, 8 July 2013

Monday Morning Check In! Are You Crafting today?

Box Topper - By Brian Pilling, Stampin' Up! 

I thought I'd kick off our Monday morning with a video that highlights one of the neatest and most popular items in our Big Shot line up ~ the Designer Rosette Bigz XL Die  ($52.95).   Launched at a time when everybody was going crazy using their Scor-pal or Simply Scored to make the painstakingly tedious amount of score lines to create the perfect rosette; along comes this magnificent tool!  Hurray for Stampin' Up! 

I was reminded a number of times yesterday that I really need to plot more personal play time down there. So many toys that haven't gotten the airplay in my world that I plotted in my head when I ordered them.  

My daughter and I spent most of Sunday afternoon in the craft room.  Spent some time working on updating the inventory and marking items I own in the new catalog. I'd never really considered how long this task usually took me until my daughter offered to pitch in and I worked on another area while she dutifully marked, and stickered several aspects of my craft room.  I was sure grateful for the help!! 

We have been working on a complete inventory, and I'm hoping to have an online inventory ready to post on my website soon.  It will be great to be able to have folks look at the site to see what I have available in the craft room. 

The real treat of the day was when she was done and she asked if there was anything she could punch out or die cut for me.  It had been a long time since she'd showed any interest in the paper crafting foray so it was a real surprise!    
I gave her a full package of card stock and gave her measurements for slightly smaller than card fronts then set her loose on the embossing folders. 

When I came up around 7 to make a long-overdue supper she had used our variety of embossing folders to single, double and in some cases triple-emboss these card fronts in a variety of ways.  It was sure great to see that smile on her face of having accomplished something really great! 

I'm coming around to the mindset that everybody should go through this type of an exercise at least once every few months.  I am finding product that I bought that I've never even opened, and other items I'd inadvertently ordered more than one of.   It really is mind-boggling. 

It was a day of highs and lows..  I heard the words "Hey Mom, do you realize you have almost everything on this page"  more than a few times.. LOL   but then I'd be looking around the room at things like the MS score pal that I bought on sale at Michaels just a few days before we got our new Simply Scored that's never been used.  Well that's not entirely accurate - it has been dusted off a time or two in showing a class how much better *ours* is..  

I've also started going through my bins of accumulated extraneous "stuff" collected during many buy-it-all lot purchases over the years in which I got duplicate items as well in order to get a better price on the things I really did want at the time.  

The result is that I'm going to have a great for sale table upcoming -  Hopefully for our Christmas in July Crop at the end of the month.  I already have a variety of Sizzix/Cuttlebug embossing folders, Stamp Wheels, and stamp sets  put aside, and there's more to come.  It will be nice to reclaim some of that storage space and unclutter my creative space some.. :) 

What are you crafting this week?  

I have had a few requests for classes ~ If there is interest we'll make them a go.  Do one of these interest YOU?  Please let me know! 

Class for Older Teens and 20-Somethings

What's On This Week: 

Coffee & A Card – Monday Mornings 9:30 – 11 AM

Join me to create a weekly informal get together.  Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate among friends and of course create a card.  $5. 

Bring a friend that hasn’t crafted with me before and make a 2ndcard for FREE.

Mommy & Me Class  -  Wednesday Mornings from 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM 

Join Me to Create a Selection of theme related gifts and crafts geared to kids 8 and under.  $15 for One adult and Child – Add a second child for just $10. 

If there is interest we will add a late morning timeslot or afternoon time slot. 

Book:  July 3rd, July 10th, July 17th, July 24th, July 31st.   -  Attend 4 and get the 5th one on Me!  J

Oh So Simple – Basic & Beautiful Card Class – July 8 ~ 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Come and stamp 4 wonderful cards to add a variety of all-occasion cards to your card stash each month.  Wow your friends and family with cards you made yourself!  

Supply fee is $20 or place a $25 order and your class is FREE.

Fun-Size your experience – make 8 cards for $30 (Free with $35 order) or 12 cards for $40 (Free with your $45 order)

Bring a friend that has never attended one of my classes before and get an extra set of 4 cards FREE.

Enjoy this class in my workshop, or gather 4 friends and I’ll bring the party to you!

Midnight Crops:  2nd and 4th Fridays  6PM – MIDNIGHT. 

Bring your Unfinished Projects (UFOs), Works-in-Progress (WIPs) and Big Ideas with you and craft the night away.  
Make use of my Big Shot Die Cutters, and my library of punches, dies, embossing folders, stamps and tools

Pay a flat fee of $20 to attend or Place an Order for $35 and attend for FREE. 

Make it a CLUB ~  Commit to 6 consecutive months and place your order on or before “Club” and during one of the month’s you get to be reap the rewards of being the hostess. ($35 Minimum – based on $200 party order).

Book:  July 12, July 26th

12 Hour Retreat-Crop - Christmas In July -  JULY 28th, 2013 9 AM - 9PM 
More details to follow - stay tuned!  :)   

Please RSVP to reserve your spot in the event(s) of your choice as space is limited.  If there is interest we can add additional time slots for any given event. 

Promotion: Single Stamps For Sale! - Ends SOON!

Stampin'  Up! will soon be closing the vault on these great single stamps.  These are being offerred only as Clear-Mount Stamps and do not come with the clear-mount case that we have become accustomed to.   

Don't worry though ~ you can order a clear-mount box to store all of your singles in or multiple boxes to sort them into categories or styles as you wish. 

This Offer ends JULY 31st, 2013!!   Get yours while you can!! 

I just love the "Ears to you" and "Towels for Two"  ~  Which one(s) are your favorite?

Visit my demonstrator website to order or contact me to add them to your club, workshop or customer order.  iscrapnstamp@gmail.com 

Happy Stampin'!