
Friday, 4 May 2012

National Scrapbooking Month! Celebrate ScRap Happens!

Greetings ScrapNStampers and Happy Friday!!

Can you believe that it's May already?  Wow! It's so beautiful and spring-like, and then we get a doozie of a storm like we had last night.  I heard that some areas had snow about a week ago.  Mother nature sure is acting out lately..  

I had really wanted to plan for a National Scrapbooking Day event and had put the query out there to see which day would work best,  and in the midst of the med-zone flurry, and sitting in surgery limbo - not wanting to plan anything elaborate in case I get the call for surgery ~ I waited. 

I suppose it was for the best though, because I realize now just how many other things seem to be on-the-go for this weekend.  The Ottawa Train Expo
 is on Saturday and Sunday and my teddybear (as some of you know) is a real train nut..er enthusiast.  The line-up for this weekend with clinics and such looks great.  2 of our kids are plotting to join us which will be awesome since we've all been so busy running in different directions.  It will be nice to sit down over coffee and for just a little while just *be*.  

Between the end of the Occasions Mini, and Summer Smooches Preview, and the Retiring List we've all been swimming in our lists of could have, would have, and making our lists.  I keep teasing that we're going to have to rob a bank or win a lottery if I'm going to make this work. 

It will be interesting to see over the next few weeks which coveted items make the cut for each of my Crafting buddies and customers.  Don't forget, the retiring list items expire at the end of May!!  If you wait til June 1st, it will be too late! 

If the excitement of a new Stampin' Up! Catalog weren't enough, Epicure also completed it's first quarter catalog this past month and we began with a new one for May. SO many yummy things to experiment and play test.  I'm looking forward to spoiling my Club and Crop girls with some yummy snacks at our next crop.  If anyone is interested in taking a look at the new products or you'd like a catalog let me know or take a look at my shiny new website:  *>HERE<* 

I have some awesome projects coming up over the next several weeks and months for both Stampin' Up! and Epicure, as well as some local Craft and Vendor Fairs, and other fundraisers I am doing both on my own and in conjunction with other vendors that I've been networking with.  Let me know if you'd like some more information on hosting a fundraiser or catalog party fundraiser for your group or organization. 

Great things are coming ~ Stay Tuned! 

Are you on my newsletter e-mail list?  If not, and you'd like to be LET ME KNOW!!   

Until Next time...You can SHOP 24/7 via my website from the comfort of your own living room and in your PJ's and fuzzy bunny slippers if you so choose.  Visit my website to order, or contact me and we'll place your order together.  
Ship direct to you, or combine your order with my club or class orders and save you money!   

Let me know how I can help!

Tammy Wilson
Your Stampin' Up! Demonstrator
Cardinal, ON


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