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One of the "Love" themed cards made at my "Forget Me Not" class this month. See details below on opportunities to make one for someone you care about! |
Do you ever have those days when you sit down at your craft table or kitchen table ready to make a card for a friend or occasion and you just draw a blank?
It used to be that many of us would sit at the table and ponder until an idea came along, or give up on the "block" and work on something else until inspiration struck.
For me it is usually a case of spending some time in the zone.. it might start by rearranging some of the things left on my desk from my last crafting frenzy, or it might come in the form of going through my ink pads, or stamp sets to find something that I haven't tried yet, or maybe visited in a while.. and once one thing is chosen the rest just seems to fall into place.
For those of us that are even a little bit tech-savvy, there is no shortage of inspiration out there however, we have a myriad of magazines to peruse, but there are many online resources and sharing sites to both inspire us and take us down the merry path of creativity.
A "quick visit" to Pinterest, as I have discovered, is a complete myth. I could get lost for days in there surfing all of the ideas - both crafty and not - collections of recipes, household tips and so much more.. A person could truly lose hours in there without trying very hard at all.
Over the last while I've dipped into Pinterest more than a few times, and picked out some samples to emulate or CASE (copy and share everything) as many crafters call it.. but then I get to my desk and inspiration hits and I'm off and running creating cards and tags that had little to do with the samples I'd been so excited about just hours before.
I like to challenge myself looking at old samples and swap cards - sometimes an old design gets freshened up in a new color scheme or with a new stamp set - everything old is new again right? Does that count as recycling? *tee hee*
For those that prefer a more hands-on approach, I like to invite my customers and crafty friends out to my weekly Coffee & a Card Class.
Initially held on Monday mornings at 9 AM - a creative start to the week, we have recently moved it to a Thursday morning, 9:00 AM time slot. More opportunities will be added if there is interest in this $5 social hour in another time-slot.
I have recently started a "Forget Me Not" card class. A beginner's class for teens and adults. Each month will bring a class of 3 different cards for a variety of occasions that you can add to your personal card stash to have on hand for upcoming events. Class is held once a month at the Galop Gallery in Cardinal (Highway 2/Bridge Street) as well as in our craft room (also in Cardinal) - Cost is just $15 per person. Bring a friend that has never attended one of my classes and you make an extra set of cards FREE.
Next opportunity: February 18th - 1:00 PM or 7:00 PM - in our Craft room. Please RSVP as space is limited.
Contact me to RSVP for your spot at my next class!
Order online and ship direct to you at no extra cost 24/7
Anywhere in Canada! Invite your far-away friends and family and online friends to join your "Virtual Party" and you reap the rewards.
Ask me for more info!
Contact me to place your order!
613-655-1010 iscrapnstamp@gmail.com
Thank-you for choosing *me* to be *your* demonstrator!
Tammy Wilson 613-655-1010
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