
Wednesday 1 May 2024

Today's the Day - New Catalog Launch - New Kit Special - Wowzers!

It's a Beautiful day in the neighborhood.. a beautiful day in the ...    today is the day! I get to share the shiny new catalog with you! We also kick off a brand new kit special today.  Read on..

The first thing I noticed was the texture of the cover - it's different, nothing drastic, but it did make me take pause for a moment to notice it. 

As a demonstrator we get an advance copy of the catalog digitally, and our courtesy copy usually arrives before it launches to the public.  I don't know about you, but there's something special about being able to hold the physical book in your hand. I like to mark the products that are on my wish list and mark them once I check them off my list.   For me, it means that when I'm putting in an order I can quickly look at the book and at the list I've already cultivated and put together my order without having to put a lot of thought into it.  Mind you, I'll be honest, it doesn't always work. Sometimes someone will post a card sample, and suddenly a stamp set you passed over moved to the top of the wish list.   It's a good thing we have a year with the catalog.  LOL 

The photo to the right is just one of the lovely sets that I'll be featuring in the coming months.  Stay tuned! 

Along with the new catalog launch, you'll notice our new In Colors - I'd love to hear which one is your favourite! You'll be glad to know that we get to use these colours and coordinating product for a full 2 years.  Sometimes these colours rotate into the mainstream colour families but other times they are taken out to make way for new colours.  I would strongly suggest you make sure you get reinkers so you can continue to use them for as long as you want to.  

May 1st also brings a new kit special  If you've been around here for a while you know I tend to call it the "I want it all kit."  Simply because you get to choose $165 worth of product, with no shipping and no tax, for just $135.00.  If you order during the month of May you'll also get a collection of our brand new In Color products FREE -- that's HUGE!! 

Kit nappers are welcome,  you won't get any pressure to sell -- however, if you DO want to sell - whether as a hobby demo (family and friends), or if you want to do classes and events and sell your products -  You won't find a more versatile company.  If you decide it's not for you, you don't have to do anything at all, at the end of the first full quarter - you'll drop and all will be back as it was before.  I'm here to help, whatever way YOU choose. 

If you'd like to take a peek at everything new, you can visit my demonstrator website and let your fingers do the walking.  If you prefer a physical catalog, drop me a message on my page, or by email and I'll set one aside for you.   You can also order a catalog from my website, and I will happily refund your purchase with your first order.  https://www.stampinup.ca/?demoid=2063334

Please use the host code below when placing your order so that it gets added to my current order.  If your order is more than $200, please contact me so that I can create your own hostess code - this will give you FREE products, as though you'd hosted your own event.  I can also set you up with your own code so you can share with family and friends and boost your freebies.  This can also coincide with an in-person or virtual class, club or other event.  Let me know what you're thinking - I'll do my best to help! 

Thank you for choosing me to be your demonstrator! 

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